Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mexi Meatball Stew

I really had high hopes for this. It combines meatballs (premade, thank goodness), tomatoes, black beans, and corn in a Crock Pot and then it all comes out perfect, right? Well, what was advertised as 'stew', I interpreted as 'sauce', and in reality, it was more like a soup. I had visions of pouring it over a bed of pasta, putting a new twist on the Italian-Mexican relationship. But instead, it never really jelled into a sauce. As a soup, it was ok. Easy to prepare, that's for sure. And I ended up cooking some rice and pouring the soup/stew/sauce over it - that worked out pretty nicely, actually. But in the end, the answer to the big questions of 'would I make it again?' is no. Sorry - sometimes easy ingredients, good price, easy instructions and even a palatable meal don't make for a repeat performance. Score: Hits - 3 Misses - 6

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